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Submit your full paper to with "Paper Submission + TEL", or scan the QR code below to contact the conference secretary. We will reply to you in 5-7 working days.

  • All manuscripts should be written in English and must not be less than 4 pages in length. If your paper exceeds 6 pages in length, you need to pay for the additional pages.

  • Manuscripts should pay attention to originality, report unpublished research results or experimental results. Before submitting, plagiarism checks should be conducted through CrossCheck, Turnitin, or other query systems, with no more than 20% repeat rate.

  • Submissions must be self-contained. Submit the manuscript in WORD and PDF format, and typeset the manuscript in strict accordance with the guidelines and templates. 

E-mail:, Tel/Wechat: +86 13711577883

Download paper template:

Editorial Policy:

The papers will be reviewed by at least two or three reviewers, but usually by more to review the papers’ relevance, originality, technical quality, significance and presentation.

The reviewer should account for their reviewing decision by providing the sufficient, substantial and well-founded comments that may help the authors to optimize the paper. In addition, the reviewer is also probably asked to answer a series of questions by the program committee. After receiving the review comments, the authors are entitled to the rebuttal and its’ feedback. But the final review decision will not be changed in virtue of that.


- Pre-review check

In this process, the editor will have a quick look at the manuscript and evaluate the overall impression of it such as relevance to the conference scope, originality of paper, language, layout, artwork quality and paper length.


- Peer Review Policy

Double-blind. The authors and reviewers are not aware of the identities of both sides.


- Criteria

  • Originality: The paper should be original, offer novel ideas or achieve advances in the specific research areas.

  • Relevance to the conference: The research of the accepted paper should be relevant to the conference and important to the research field.

  • Significance: The paper should contain valid analysis and solid experiment design, and should make a sufficient impact on the research field covered.

  • Quality of Presentation: The quality of English language usage and grammar should be appropriate and easy to read. The presentation of the paper should be well balanced and presented in a logical order.

Tel/Wechat:  +86 13711577883

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